lmao! The last one is my personal favourite.
Also, loving this music in the credits!
lmao! The last one is my personal favourite.
Also, loving this music in the credits!
This is hilarious! Makes me want to buy this game now. Luckily, Hideo Kojima is bringing out ZoE HD Collection!...i think.
holy shit i finally get it! he keeps saying "...i mean venasaur." because pokemon only say their name! except Meowth...maybe i don't get it...fuck it, that's the reason i'm going for.
the funniest part is when they get a boner ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL
not my kind of thing but i'll give it a ten anyway. JUST BECAUSE UR AWESOOOME!
was that really 10 minutes? ah well
whos kevin bacon?
this toon is awesome
LOL how many times did that lump of shit die in the easter egg
the ninja's look at the end is awesome!
Love Egoraptor...and Team Four Star. Just saiyan...
Age 31, Male
North East, England.
Joined on 4/4/09